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Re: Official - More re GZG news update - NEW RELEASES!

From: Samuel Penn <sam@g...>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 14:41:01 +0100
Subject: Re: Official - More re GZG news update - NEW RELEASES!

On Saturday 13 Sep 2014 14:10:11 Ground Zero Games wrote:
> > [...snip ideas on artillery...]
> Yes, I always thought it was quite a good way of doing it... for the
> minis manufacturer it has the advantage that players have to actually
> have physical minis of their off-table assets, rather than just
> having them represented on paper or by an "asset card"; it also means
> that things like counter-battery fire can be performed on the actual
> minis using the same rules as on-table artillery strikes, rather than
> being handled in some abstract manner.

Sorry to bring Dirtside into it again, but isn't this how it is done in
Dirtside? At least, that's how we always played it.

Just checked the rules... and yes, it's in the Dirtside rules.

It really does sound like you want a Dirtside III, with some extra
rules to make infantry a bit more useful. But then, I'm not a fan
of 15mm, so I'm maybe looking at things through a different lens.

Be seeing you,	      Games:
Sam.		      Posts:

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