Re: [GZG] Question for the painting gurus...
From: Andy Skinner <andyskinner@r...>
Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 15:07:41 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Question for the painting gurus...
>How I got into this mess:
>I went to the respected local game store and was pointed to the local
>painting guru. He looked at what I wanted and what I had and suggested
>drybrushing and said I should
>prime in black then 3 drybrush layers: dark grey, medium grey, then
I'm not the best painter in the world, but that's what I did, and I'm
happy with the results. Except I drybrushed two layers, with medium
grey and very light grey (very lightly applied). I think pick out bits
hear and there.
I think it sounds like the drybrushing wasn't dry enough, or maybe was
done too heavily.
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