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RE: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc

From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 18:26:23 +1100
Subject: RE: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc


> I've shared ideas from my group several times. Seems to be 
> that any ideas that don't agree with the preconceptions
> of the test team aren't welcome.

Here or when sent straight to Jon? I would have thought it was pretty
open here.

> Mt group developed its
> own complete set of rules, with modular additional 
> weapon systems, campaign system the works. it got sent to 
> Jon. Might as well have pushed it out the airlock into
> the black. Apparently it got forwarded 
> to the test team and well see above....

Was this for DS or FT?

> Specific beefs about DS. Butt ugly counter draw system. 
> Counters all over the unit and all over the table.
> Opposed dice rolls with variable dice make for
> really slow play. Good things are the alternate activation. 

This highlights another issue when creating a game, you can't please all
of the people all of the time. I actually like the counter draw system,
the opposed dice rolls and the fact all the info is on the table with
the unit ;)



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