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[GZG] "Realistic" Mercenary TO&E

From: "Eli Arndt" <emu2020@c...>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:48:24 -0700
Subject: [GZG] "Realistic" Mercenary TO&E

Gzg-l mailing list recent
comments made in a reply to the new 15mm Vehicle announcement
have got me to thinking, "What is a -realistic- way to do sci-fi mercs" 
usual tendency seems to be to try to recreate one of the great merc
from books and other games - Hammer's Slammers, Wolf's Dragoons, etc. 
are these units representative of what we think merc units would be?  Is
there a way to build less amazing, but still effective mercenary units? 
so, what are people's thoughts on them?

Some ideas I have had are - 

1) An all infantry force with no armor but a good number of man-portable
anti-tank weapons.

2) Conventional mobile infantry force with mid-tech resources.

3) Small, but elite and hi-tech unit of combat walkers.

These are just off the top of my head.



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