Re: RE: [GZG] Phalon meaness and how to beat it
From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 14:47:07 +1300
Subject: Re: RE: [GZG] Phalon meaness and how to beat it
Looks like you played with CMs as the Mu and used the core systems
The core systems rules might be a way to mitigate the big ships are
better, if they suffer a core systems hit its much more of a loss.
Also playing with only 1 class of ship with mathmatical computations is
never the way to win at a tournament. Your assumptions in your equations
are often invalidated by the tournament scenarios.
For deployment what kind of restrictions did you have and what sort of
table size were you on?
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