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Re: Fixing salvo missiles

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:17:37 -0500
Subject: Re: Fixing salvo missiles

From: Indy
>PSB, I believe, is the inate ECM that is below the abstracted level of
the game that throws off or decoys the missiles that miss.

I think I was the one to say that....but I don't necessarily agree
how it *should* be. 
-- One would expect a NAC cruiser to have better defenses than a PAU
destroyer, and a PAU destroyer to have somewhat better than an unarmed
-- It ought to be possible to use ECCM or advanced missiles to counter
or to knock out a target's ECM on thresholds or with needles.

I'd be happier if missiles had a chance to hit what they're supposed to,
rather than "nearest target."  If you're operating as a banzai jammer
turn, you ought either to attract missiles from a longer distance than
or you ought to be hit be all six missiles from each salvo.
  Or a salvo could be split among multiple targets-- if only one missile
locks onto your DD, then maybe another one has gotten lost but the
remaining four have gone after the BB behind it.

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