RE: Fixing salvo missiles
From: J L Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 08:24:23 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: Fixing salvo missiles
--- wrote:
> One of the compelling things for me in moving to
> missiles that can have different warhead types or a trade-off
> between range and warhead strength (to me they're all just
> different kinds of missiles as I would presume you have to note
> before game what trade-off you chose or did you mean an on the fly
> tradeoff?) is that you can easily grade from something like a classic
> MT to a classic SM without as sharp a discontinuity.
I mean "select before game" not "on the fly".
So you decide which of the warhead-size/range combination you want and
also which warhead type you want. It also might not have been clear,
but I meant that these salvoes are 1-to-1 interchangeable in terms of
MASS, which is different from the FB1 ER salvoes.
The next weapon design step would then be to offer SMs in a variety of
Size classes:
E.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.. The Rack, Launcher, and Magazines then are
described with 2 numbers: the size of the missiles fired and the number
of missiles in each salvo. So the FB1 SMLs are "SML-1/6". SM systems
firing other size missiles have the same MASS but fire a different
number of missiles, such as MASS 3 = SML-1/6, SML-2/4, SML-3/3, etc..
The launcher is determined at the time of ship construction, but allows
a more generic design to be presented in the fleet book, so that
players can fill in which launcher(s) they want on a particular ship.
Magazines carry only one size SM, but nothing prevents a ship having 2
sizes of launchers with seperate magazines.
The larger sizes of missiles would have the same options for
damage/range trade-offs:
Standard missile has 24 MU range and damage = (Size class)d6
Extend range by 50% per reduction in damage dice, smaller than 1d6 is
1d3 (light), and then 1 pt (mini).
Increase damage dice by +1 level for -33% range, by +2 levels for -50%
range, or +3 levels for -66% range.
Note that the FB1 "ER missile" would be a ER-SM2 in this system as it
does 1d6 and has +50% range. This then leads to the possiblity of
larger launchers/racks with more missiles
All sizes of missiles and warheads would also have a variety of warhead
Standard Warhead - damage as per FB
Beam Warhead - stand-off weapon that fires Beam Dice at target ship,
affected by screens, lesser chance to shoot with PD/AD/AS
Nova Warhead - Big Boom area affect weapons, lesser chance to shoot
with PD/AD/AS
Hyperspace Warhead - no boom, transists/jumps to FTL/hyperspace instead
of detonating, damaging nearby ship(s)
Interceptors - Mini warheads (and appropriate range) specialized to
attack fighters and missiles.
> > The close second is the "1d6 missiles lock-on". We feel
> > that missiles should be much smarter than this, and the
> > vast majority of misses should come from PDS or evasive
> > defenses such as Stealth Hull or ECM....
> Given those features weren't covered as standard in the original FB
> couldn't you argue the roll was representing that and that you only
> need to adopt modifications such as the ones you've put forward as
> stealth and ECM become explicit rather than implicit. I'm guessing
> you do have more explicit sensor stuff?
We have Stealth Hull and ECM each in a scale of 0-4. The basic FT/FB
rules for combat and ship design are assumed to represent ships with
Stealth-2 and ECM-2 (Standard military grade). Our Level-3 corresponds
to Noam Izenberg's Stealth Hull-1 (WDA/NI test fleet), and our Level-4
to Noam's Stealth Hull-2. Stealth and ECM cumulative, so Stealth-3 +
ECM-3 on the same ship corresponds to WDA Stealth Hull-2, and Stealth-4
+ ECM-4 = WDA Stealth Hull-4. If a ship is damaged and degrades
Stealth and/or ECM below level-2, then attacking ships get the benefit
of extended range bands when targeting the ship with less than
Stealth-2 + ECM-2.
> I am also imaging the chaos of tracking which missile went where if
> you also allow misses to try and re-lock on a new target. I'm not
> saying it's a bad idea, its actually a nice idea, I'm just trying to
> think of the implications for our playing style.
Well, if you normally mark the salvo in some way to indicate how many
missiles have locked on, you can simply add an additional salvo marker
for the missiles locked on to a different target. E.g. the Salvo locks
3 missiles onto target A and 2 missiles onto target B. Mark the
initial salvo location as 3 missiles as you normally do, then place an
additional adjacent marker indicating a 2-missile salvo for target B.
PSB is that as the missiles spread out against seperate targets, they
can no longer be fired upon with a single firing solution.
> That takes you down to half mu something I'm not overly keen on. For
> someone who doesn't want to go that route would you think just using
> every other entry you gave would work as well in practice (so 2+, 4+,
> 6+)?
Sure, but you would have to detemine if 2+, 4+, 6+; or 1+, 3+, 5+ works
best. That might be a matter of taste. <shrug>