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Re: [ECC] An Aussie perspective (long)

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 20:00:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [ECC] An Aussie perspective (long)

> > A ploy on my part, as "no neighbors" means "no one views me as an
> immediate target".
> People don't shoot across the board in your neck of the woods then?

Why would they?  "We are Sheep!  We are Cute!  We are Fluffy!  Pat

> > Only two of the three players on that side actually fled, as I
> > recall.
> That's because the cops and robots were already at the other end of
> long side of the board from you ;)

Er, hm, yes, that's true...

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