Re: [VV] Agility
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2005 19:37:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [VV] Agility
> I'm not sure precisely what you mean? Why would a ship be clumsy in
> hard vacuum? How would a ship be agile? I understand what you want
> in game terms, but I don't understand what it means in real-world
> terms?
Timestamp A is when a signal--reflected radar ping, or your thermal
signature, or whatever--leaves your ship. Timestamp B is when the
firer has received and processed the signal, launched his attack and
the attack has arrived at your predicted location. If you wish not to
be hit, you have the interval from A-B to displace your actual
endpoint from your predicted endpoint.
If the firer is shooting from the Z axis, you have to displace your
position in the X axis (which we'll say is the direction you're
thrusting with your MD) or the Y axis (which takes some sort of
maneuvering thrusters).
If you only have MD, you can only displace in X -- and will be easier
to hit than if you also had a heavy maneuvering package. Say you have
MD4 and no ability to move in the Y axis, you can be at one of 9
points (-4 through +4). If you can use all your MD to move in the Y
axis, then you could be at any of, hm, 41 points if I'm doing it