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Re: [FH] Vectorverse was Re: NAC - American style

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 21:11:18 +0000
Subject: Re: [FH] Vectorverse was Re: NAC - American style

On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 12:35:35PM -0500, wrote:
>Okay, let's start creating this new, non-Earth-related setting.

If you don't want it to happen here, I'll be happy to host a distinct
mailing list, as always.

>3. Ships of the various nations will be represented by GZG minis.  This
>gives us at least ten design philosophies available (NAC NSL ESU FSE IF
>UN IJN NI KV). I'm  deliberately leaving out the bio-tech SV and PhC
>at the moment, plus nations like the ScanFed and CalTex who have a
>range of types avalable.  Note that this does not mean that we're using
>nations--it could be fewer (Foo oldstyle ships use ESU minis, while the
>designs use NAC) or more (Qux doesn't produce its own ships, buys from
>and Bar instead).

I suggest that you try to recruit "nation owners" and "navy owners"
(might be the same people) to take responsibility for a section of the
world design. Preferably people who have more spare time than I do just
at the moment, though I'll probably kibitz.

(Remembering that the ESU at least has two quite distinct miniature

As universe owner (congratulations), you should I think be wary of
powers that are too close to current or historical Terran nations or
political philosophies - Nazis/Commies/Revolutionary Frenchmen In Space
have all been more or less done.


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