Re: After the fact justification was: Re: [FT] Morale Re: [SG2] weapons
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 07:42:31 -0600
Subject: Re: After the fact justification was: Re: [FT] Morale Re: [SG2] weapons
>Back in my military days (late 80s and early 90s) they had a concept in
the Army of a lawful order.
I think that this is not something that has much practical application -
obviously it came in after WW2 (mainly so that "I was ordered to do it"
would not be a valid defence), but in practice an army that had
the troops querying every order for legality would never get anywhere.
Asking for an order to be given in writing serves much the same purpose,
though ("are you _really sure_ you want to do that, sir?").
Besides, it's hard to run a defense like that 'merely' for
self-preservation. Such concepts would usually be restricted to things
firing on noncombatants or aggressive maneuvering within the inner