Re: Delete Keys OT (Was OT: Time to Bomb Saddam...)
From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 02:33:10 -0600
Subject: Re: Delete Keys OT (Was OT: Time to Bomb Saddam...)
Perhaps if you're seeking good natured discussion on this topic, you
seek a "3 dimensional enjoyment of each other" mailing list instead of a
wargames mailing list. Particularly given that these are topics which
commonly lead to not good natured discussions.
The problem with that is, like life Wargaming (Full Thrust aside)
doesn't take place in a vacuum. People's minds and conversations
do tend to go far afield at times. This is not to defend those who
"Flame" for the sheer joy of it but, to be some what less sensitive
about the occasional human foible.... It does take only "more or less"
a few grams of pressure to hit the delete key.