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Re: Delete Keys OT (Was OT: Time to Bomb Saddam...)

From: <hal@b...>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 03:42:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Delete Keys OT (Was OT: Time to Bomb Saddam...)

> Perhaps if you're seeking good natured discussion on this topic, you
> might  seek a "3 dimensional enjoyment of each other" mailing list
> instead of a	wargames mailing list. Particularly given that these are
> topics which	commonly lead to not good natured discussions.

Rather than argue with the point raised here, all I have to do is delete
the comment and let it go.  Likewise, said individual above can now
this *entire* thread sight unseen and just plain ignore it.  No need for
the PC crowd to "ban" the topics, nor a need to ban myself.  He isn't
by the things he deletes sight unseen, and I'm not hurt by this either. 
Win/win.  If the noise to signal ratio gets to be too much?  Then
can quietly say "Hey, this isn't getting anywhere, will someone drop
 After a while, the entire thing dies down due to a *LACK* of response.

Are we all so competitive that we have to have the last word in this and
be *RIGHT*?  I hope not.  That is what made me resign from TML
MAILING LIST).	Truth is?  I didn't engage in that kind of behavior on
that list, nor will I inundate this list with such behavior.  I will
however point out that the process is simple:

9 people censure 1 person on his topic.  It never comes up again.
8 people censure 1 person on his topic, and the quiet one remains quiet,
the 8 win.  Then the topics become less interesting, and it only takes 1
person to raise an objection.  The rest of the crowd, conditioned to
"don't rock the boat" tell everyone "this topic is verboten".	What is
left?  Wargames only?  Ok, let me know when FULL THRUST the computer
comes out, or Stargrunt the computer game comes out or what have you. 
Then I will stop bothering you people and interact with just the
computer... wait, that's not what I want <sob>.


PS - this is a simple plea to keep from degenerating into a politically
correct mentality that bans *ANY* human aspects in a mailing list.   I
hate depersonalization!

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