RE: [FAQ] FH what? Re: [DSII] Dozy question re: Command/Communications
From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 12:54:45 -0500
Subject: RE: [FAQ] FH what? Re: [DSII] Dozy question re: Command/Communications
Iohannes the Miffed said:
>tags. On of them is FH Byz for Future History,
Byzantine. Try NRE, for New Roman Empire, unless
there's some other Roman revivalists out there. I'd
no more refer to Romans as Byzantine than I would
refer to New Zealand as Australia Minor.
But everyone else would, and you never know when some fan of Big Julie
decide to have SGII:Alesia, or someone will cook up a FT/DS New Punic
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