RE: [FT] Mobile mine field(?) suggestions sought
From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 16:29:38 -0500
Subject: RE: [FT] Mobile mine field(?) suggestions sought
I said:
>Vector or cinematic will make a difference, but generally I'd say
>a. maintain a minimum 2" disperal between units, while
>b. moving toward the Unmodified End Point of the target, and
>c. attempt to match vectors with it
And what's really worrisome is that these are the same general rules
the guy who wrote the Boids program came up with. If an English major
come up with it, independently, in about a minute's thought....
Da Beast said:
>have to 'cogitate' on this. At the least, as this is a particular area
that's guarded by the field, the units would have a 'call back' set of
"Do got go further than X from FieldCenter point"
DaBeast continued:
>On the other hand, this starts getting almost hopelessly complex with
multiple, dispersed bogies, and once you add levels-of-threat...!
Head towards the closest qualifying target. A target is qualified if it
does not already have 1 mine/M mass attacking it (adjust M depending on
deadly the mines are).
Could get complicated if you have a lot of mines and treat each
individually--I'd say group move is indicated.
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