[OT]/[SGII]/[DSII] D(SII) day
From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 17:02:19 +0000
Subject: [OT]/[SGII]/[DSII] D(SII) day
>I just wanted to note it since I didn't see a darn >thing about it
>paper! <grrr>
Shame! you would have thought that the events 58 years ago would have
produced a bit more of a memorial... how fast we forget.
>Anyway, to focus on the GZG points:
>How do people usually run orbital landings? Do you usually use
>invulnerable landers that just deploy the troops to the table *presto*
>or do you usually let weapons engage them? Do your landers usually hang
>around and fight?
Don't know, but I bought some (Gladiator Minatures, real nice!), I
assume that they are built to escape into orbit again, and as such have
little excess weight as possible, more a shock tactic rather than a
platform, and as such should want to get the hell out of there. This is
for the small assault lander rather than the space-ship-in-its-own-right
variety, which would probably move slower and probably take a while to
off, thus having to provide a firebase of some sort.
>Has anyone noticed the wide scatter for SG OA landings? It would seem
>me by this time period, you should be able to land on a dime (with grav
>chutes, thrust packs, blah blah PSB blah).
Hmm, I don't know, with insertions, particualrly from a great height,
adjustments make such a big differences (just think of the angles) so
drop (unless from low level) is bound to produce error.
>I find any kind of airborne
>or orbital insertaion leaves you scattered to hell and gone.... (kind
>D-day ish!).
However long it takes, it would be a while before an inserted unit is
organised ready to fight (IMHO).
>And how to you do heliborne insertion from a hover in either case
>(DS/SG)? Both the standard hover and the free-rappel variety? Would
>these (esp the latter) let you insert troops where a normal LZ could
>exist according to the rules?
Don't know, anyone out there ever done this for real?
>And how to represent assault gliders in
probably using deviation like artillery in SGII then treat it as a
(soft skinned?) vehicle to deploy from.
>Just some grist for the mill. I may have to watch the beginning of SPR
>again tonight as I pack for CampCon II.
Good post, much to think about.
N.B all opinions above are just off the top of my head, and may be
inaccurate, ignorant or in fact wrong in oh so many ways, I'm off to the
wargaming club in a mo :-D
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