Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 10:59:19 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Moderation of GZG-L (was Re: Back from SALUTE and bye bye)
I would vote for moderation the way they do it on the oldtools
mailing list. They have a written list policy as to what is
acceptable and what is not. Should you stray into the "not"
acceptable the list moms first give a warning. The second
time they give another warning. Third time they unsubscribe
the offender and block that e-mail address.
Sure, you can get around it but generally it doesn't happen.
As far as I can tell I like John, but his bigotry and
insta-flames are annoying. You can't let any one person,
no matter how knowledgable, turn a list into a flame-fest
and drive off other members. I'm sure he would not
continue to behave in this manner if there were a fair,
written policy that was evenly enforced.