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Re: Rhine Dale Raid (even longer)

From: Derk Groeneveld <derk@c...>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 19:38:13 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: Rhine Dale Raid (even longer)

Hi folks,

just thought Karl Heinz's very biased ( ;-) ) report on the skirmih we
played should be put in perspective....

Minor details:	- Umpire was Dick, other player was Marc
		- Marksmen, in addition to what was mentioned by Karl,
		  could EITHER double range band OR choose target, not


After reports on suspicious activities in the Rhine Dale system, a
detachment of the New Anglican Royal Marine Corps is sent to covertly
investigate. A section of King's Own Ghurka Rifles has been attached as

Rules of engagement were restricted. We were to covertly gather
information. If contact is made and a firefight inevitable, escalation
should be prevented, we do not want to start a war. Thus, heavy weapons
fire was prohibited as first use. It was clarified that SAW were NOT

Marine Lieutenant:	D8 armour, AAR+GL, Elite 1 (LUCKY!), D8 sensors
			D6 move

Marine Assault Group:	D8 armour, D6 sensors, D6 move Regular 2
			3 squadies with Gauss AR + GL
			1 squadie with Gauss MG + GL
			1 squadie with GMS/P
			1 sniper with Gauss sniping rifle and D8 sensors

Both assault group and lieutenant Denizen figures in full body

2 sections royal marine light infantry: D6 armour, D56 sensors, D6 move

First section:		Regular 2
			5 squadies with AAR+GL
			1 PIG
			1 SAW
			1 marksman (D10FP, D10 impact)

Second section: 	Regular 2
			6 squadies with AAR+GL
			1 GMS/P
			1 SAW

1 section King's Own Ghurka Rifles: D4 armour, D8 move, D6 sensors

Ghurka NCO		Veteran 1, AAR+GL

Ghurka Fireteam 1	Veteran 2
			3 squadies with AAR+GL
			1 squadie with marksman rifle (D10FP, D10 imp)

Ghurka Fireteam 2	Veteran 2
			4 squadies with AAR+GL

N.B: When drawing classifications, I could return green chicks if drawn
for the ghurka's. I drew many a green chit for the ghurka's, and none
after, for the other units. Lucky!

When about to deploy onto the table, at our chosen edge, the Ghurka's
reported another unknown force	to our front - we then redeployed to the
side, keeping an eye on them as we did so. hence, the presence of Karl's
bushrangers was known, but did delay our advance.

The ghurka's advanced onto the table first, sneakily occupying two bits
harmless wood, and observed Karl's troops dissect a scientific drone. It
saved the marksmen a charge on the laser's capacitor, as he was jsut
drawing a bead on the annoying thing.

Thus freed from observation, they awaited the arrival of the assault
troop's sniper, before advancing one section to the spiky woods at the
foot of the hill in front of them. Quickly covering the open ground in
front of them, and covered by the other Ghurka section, they ducked for
cover by the spikey plants. It took them completely by surprise, when a
large vine swung around the spikey bush, entangled a ghurka, and planted
him right atop a good many large wooden spikes.

Dice rolls were made for the noise dicipline of the unfortunate Ghurka.
brilliant roll determined the poor sap kept his noise dicipline all
through the unfortunate incident.

The other squadies in his fireteam promptly responded. We decided there
were a number of possible responses: a) keep on advancing b) laugh their
head off at the unfortunate sap c) panic d) fall back to their last
position and regroup. They elected option d.

Much to the ridicule of the Ghurka NCO and the other Ghurka rifles, the
fireteam fell back into harmless cover, so far unnoticed by any of the
other forces. This ridicule so disturbed them, that they decided to seek
vengeance. They drew their Kukri and assaulted the harmful terrain in
hand-to-vine combat. Needless to say, the vine lost.

Unfortunately, their noise discipline did not prevent them from
intimidating the vine with a proper Ghurka scream, as they charged. Much
to the plant's shock, of course. But also hard to miss to anybody else
the table. The NAC forces suddenly became a known presence.

As their presence was known, the lieutenant sent forward both marine
sections to take up positions in the harmless woods - #2 squad observing
Karl's bushrangers advancing on their right.

After clearing the other spikey plants in their immediate vicinity, the
Ghurka's advanced to the base of the hill in front of them. In order to
observe, #1 Ghurka fireteam crept up to the top of the hill. They
immediately took fire from Marc's forces who had been waiting to their
front. #2 fireteam rushed up the hill in order to suppress the enemy so
both fireteams could fall back. The #2 marine section advanced to the
of the hill in case shit really hit the fan.

Which, of course, it did. Both Ghurka fireteams exchanged fore with the
enemy, taking some suppression as a result. But also managing to
the enemy. #1 Ghurka fireteam had interpreted their orders as allowing
underbarrel GL's to be sued - this was later discovered to be incorrect.

Since a prolongued firefight was not going to be to the NAC advantage,
NAC lieutenant decided to take the inititive. The #2 marine squad was
ordered to assault over the hill. Unfortunately, disastrous rolls for
combat movement got their assault stuck inches to the front of the
Ghurka's. This would not have been disastrous, had it not been for the
bushrangers choosing this opportunity to join in the fight, shooting in
enfilade across ghurka's and marines - killing one of his majesty's
citizens, and 2 ghurka's as well.

The position had obviously become untenable. Firing at the bushes in
of them to keep the enemy's head down, both Ghurka's and marines fell
behind the hill - one ghurka team deploying to the flank to cover.

Advoce from higher HQ was then sought - should we press an advance, or
should we retire? It was pointed out to the lieutenant that if heh had
understood his roders, the word 'covert' should lend a clue here. As
further information gathering seemed impossible without taking further
fire and attention, he reached his decision.

Hence, an orderly pull-out was ordered. Not without recovering the
of course. The assault squad was ordered into covering positions, and
tactical withdrawal was prepared.

As both Ghurka's and marines were about  to once again advance up
the huill for their fallen ones, the enemy decided to attack. The attack
faltered on top of the hill, taking hits from both the assault team
sniper, #2 ghurka fireteam and the bushranger's amazons (I think - not
sure). The ghurka's and marines gratefully used this opportunity to
retrieve the bodies, and fell back into the harmless woods. In a staged
withdrawal, they then vanished off the table.

The ghurka's afterwards felt very indignified at being told off for
heavy weapons. After all, hadn't they refrained from using their LAW's
clear the opposition? Even though this might be true, unfortunately
HQ had included underbarrel GL's in their definition of 'heavy weapons'.

Unfortunately the mission had to be reporte d afaillure, as no useful
information, other than the presence oftwo unknown forces could be
reported. Funnily enough, the communications of Karl's force never did
show up on the Ghurka ESM operator's displays. Additionally, they
seemed remarkable well at home in this alien wildlife. This was filed
further reference in the mission report.

As you can tell, this completely contradicts the biased reporting in
Karl's report ;)

Thanks for a fun game, Karl!


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