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Re: [sg] Scenario with alien plants

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 15:10:04 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: [sg] Scenario with alien plants

John Lambshead schrieb:
> An additional fun thing are Imitators using protective 
> colouration which look like dangerous plants but are not 
> (animals also do this). 
> In game turns you have a dangerous plant type that has an 
> imitator. you  on't know which is which on the battlefield until some

> poor sod walks within its activation range and tests it the hard way

> (roll a die, even numbers harmless, odd ones are the real thing)

Or, even more confusing: The plants have developed a general "warning"
colouration. The actual palnt could be an irritant (most common),
harmless (rare) or absolutely deadly (rare, too).


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