Re: DSII/ Assault Lander, was Fwd: Ask...
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@w...>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 19:20:44 +1100
Subject: Re: DSII/ Assault Lander, was Fwd: Ask...
From: "Derek Fulton" <>
> In a slightly different direction, I've over the last couple of years
> brought some different kits, 1 x 'Heller' Ariane 4 (1/288th scale), 1x
> 'Zhengdfeu' (chinese company, 1/300th scale) 747-400 and Boeing E-3A
> to go with my planned aerospace port for dirtside games.
Other goodies:
Several people make a 1/288 shuttle.
A russian mob makes a 1/288 scale Buryan.
Revell makes a 1/288 scale "Saenger" single-stage-to-orbit ship.
There's also a Wehrner Von Braun 1950s shuttle in 1/288.