From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 08:04:45 -0800 (PST)
--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> >Assuming your laser, your computer, and your
> >high-speed ninja electronics fuze all three work.
> Hmm. Copperhead. Hellfire. MFSS. Javelin. AN/TVQ-2.
> Things are getting more sophisticated. Mortar rounds
> are getting even more high tech. I'm sure some folks
You've always got a "stupid" backup. Copperhead is
nice, but there aren't many left, they aren't in
production, and DPICM is a proven alternative.
Hellfires are launched off helicopters--they don't
have some of the same concerns ground combat units do
(like getting slammed around the back of a track
heading crosscountry or getting maintained by a
private with a GT 95). Javelin isn't quite as
complicated either--and frequently goes deadline
God, but you sound like a 2LT. "I read it in a book
so it must be TRUE!" That's been the theme of a lot
of your posts over the past.
> were saying the same thing about the US's
> first Proximity Fuzed anti-aircraft rounds in WWII.
> "You mean this
> fancy doo dad is going to know when to explode next
> to one o' them
> nazi planes??? Sheeeit..."
Radars are pretty simple. Now. What was the failure
rate in WWII?
> *shrug* If you really don't want light anti-armor
> capability in your
> weapon fine. Do you also not want the ability to
> reach behind cover?
You keep telling me it's got anti-armor capability. I
point out that it MIGHT take a BRDM, but not anything
bigger. And if I've got BRDMs running around, then a
.50 cal has quite adequate anti-armor capability. As
for reaching behind cover, Mk-19s or M-203s do quite
fine, thank you. And yes, in my platoon there are two
.50 cals, and 2 Mk-19s. What more do I need,
especially while running around on a breach?
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