Re: House rules
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 16:04:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: House rules
--- Jaime Tiampo <> wrote:
> Laser Designating:
> Any unit can be assigned a laser designator.
> Infantry must have the model marked in some way to
> determine which has> it in case of casualty. >
Capacity for LDs in vehicles is 1 capacity for fixed
> mount or 2 for mast > mount. (Masts allow the LD to
be lifted above > terrain elements without
> exposing the vehicle. Shooting at masts is the same
> as shooting at > individual infantry figures. Units
with LDs on masts > may fire their own
> GMS "over" their cover)
Don't let the clumsy 1970s technology relics the US
Army lugs around fool you. A laser designator can be
built to be not much bigger than a laser pointer.
Since that's all it really is. Say flashlight sized?
If you're really high-speed, give your forward
observer a tunable laser carbine.
John M. Atkinson
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