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Re: [CON] ECC V Update

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 16:11:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [CON] ECC V Update

--- Jon Davis <> wrote:
> First, the short news...
> Ground Zero Games - East Coast Convention V
> When:  March 1-3, 2002


Somehow. . . Someday I WILL get to another Con.  But
next year after the 13th of Febuary will be an
absolute bitch of a time to try to get away at all for
anything short of the end of the world.

I want a stab at winning the Carter Island Award
(which I just recently heard was actually given out at
the last Con!!	You guys are never going to let that
go!  It was just a batallion-sized game!  OK, the
defenders had two batallion equivelants.).


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