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Re: [OT] I blame Agis

From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 11:42:43 +0100
Subject: Re: [OT] I blame Agis

Somewhere on my trawls around the web I found a page about making a
simple scanning box. In this case it was made from foamboard (expanded
foam sandwiched between thin card) but there's no reason why it couldn't
be made from card, wood or plastic.

The idea was to make a simple small box with one open side. The example
was about 5" tall x 3" wide x 2" deep with one of the larger sides open
(it was intended for 25mm figures). The model to be scanned is attached
to one side of the box with silly putty, blu-tak, whatever, and the box
is placed on the scanner glass, open side down. This means that the
model is suspended parallel to the glass rather than leaning against it
at an odd angle, and it also has a background. The box can be painted
whatever colour you like (pale blue is a good choice).

I can't find the original page anymore (searching for "miniatures" and
"scanner" produces waaay too many results) so I hope the above
description is enough


Germ Work wrote:
> > You can also use a styrofoam or paper cup placed over top to protect
> > mini
> >
> > Later,
> > Ryan Fisk
> Great idea probably why I never thought of it. :)
> Jeremey

Tony Francis
Senior Software Engineer

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