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[FT] Space Vikings, Independent FT Uuniverses

From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 07:03:12 -0400
Subject: [FT] Space Vikings, Independent FT Uuniverses

From: "Jeremy Seeley" <>

> My question is, what scale should I use for mass?  Assuming "ancient"
> (galleons, viking ships, etc), what would I mass them at?  That is the
> initial question, because after that it would not be too hard to plug
> rest.  I just need something to base it all on.  HELP.

I like this idea! Are you going to put any background info on the web?
love to check it out.

This brings up the related question: What other independent (Non-Genre
Trek, B5, Galactica, SAAB, HH, SW), Non-Tuffleyverse Spinoff/Splinter)
universes are out there for FT? The only one I know of for sure is Kieth
Watt's Exodus Project. 

If there's mre than 1 or 2, then perhaps an "Independent Universe" list
be added to one of the FAQs or to the WDA.


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