RE: [FT] Scale in Full Thrust
From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 06:50:49 -0400
Subject: RE: [FT] Scale in Full Thrust
I believe that Traveler used hydrogen displacement of the entire ship to
determine the mass of thier ships. I am drawing from memory of a game
that I
owned and read as a teen (20+ years ago), but never had the chance to
What jogged my memory was, back then, trying to understand how a crew
quarters that was mainly empty space would cost so much in mass. Once
realize that it was measured against the mass of hydrogen displacement,
was easier to understand. It includes the pressurized atmosphere, the
materials used in construction, accomidations, and the personnel.
Brian Bell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan M Gill []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 5:38 PM
> To:
> Cc: Bif Smith
> Subject: Re: [FT] Scale in Full Thrust
> At 7:21 PM +0100 6/6/01, Bif Smith wrote:
> >
> >This is from memory, excuse me if I`m wrong.
> >
> >The displacement is different for liners, merchants and warships. A
> >merchant`s mass/displacement is the cargo capacity, the liner is the
> volume
> >times a mass level, and a military ship is the mass of the armour and
> >components installed.
> There is more to it than armour on the military ships. Engines, hull,
> aux gear, etc. also factor in. I've always understood it to be total
> displacement of water...still hmm lets check with an expert...
> From the sci.military.naval FAQ, Andrew Toppan is the maintainer, he
> also runs a damn nice Naval Information site.
> Section B.8: Ship Displacements
> What do all those displacement terms mean? The following is a general
> guide; the exact definitions vary from nation to nation and change
> over time.
> --
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> - Ryan Montieth Gill ---------- SW1025 H -
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