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Re: [Stargrunt]

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 13:07:34 -0400
Subject: Re: [Stargrunt]

At 10:10 AM -0400 6/6/01, Allan Goodall wrote:
>Well, how you handle the fire teams will dictate how the squad is set
>The list seems to be split as to whether fireteams should be 
>modelled as separate "squads", should be modelled as detached units, 
>or shouldn't be modelled at all.
>Tom B. likes to model them as separate squads.

4 man squads is a bit small. Really rough when they take a casualty too.

>I personally don't think they should be modelled as separate squads 
>in Stargrunt. The problem, of course, is that the detached element 
>rules make detaching fireteams a hassle.
>Tom and I (okay, mostly Tom, but I had some input) came up with a 
>house rule (so far, untested, I believe) that would make detached 
>elements more useful. It also has the benefit of making the 
>"commander in the corner" problem less likely to happen.
>At any rate, you don't need to specify your fireteams in Stargrunt 
>II if you plan to do detached elements. You can detach an element at 
>any time, and you can give it any composition you need.

Oh, I know Stargrunt doesn't require it, but It seemed logical to 
plan fire teams for when they were planned on being detached. Plus an 
obvious figure that acts as the leader from the start makes sense.

>So, your squad would look like this:
>1 Leader
>1 GMS/P
>2 SAWs
>4 Rifle Troopers
>This is perfectly legal. The rules are hazy when it comes to putting 
>multiple support weapons in a single squad, but the list has 
>determined that it is legal (and historically accurate).

Obviously if you want the MGs to shoot at separate targets then the 
squad can't fire. But if you want them to all hose down the same 
Eurie squad, then I know thats one action (GMS/P excepted).

Current Brit doctrine has a Team leader, 2 rifle men and a LSW gunner 
(sort of a SAW) totaling 8 men. Older Brit doctrine has a 7 Rifleman, 
a section leader and 2 Bren Gunners (one gunner and an ammo carrier 
with a STEN) per section totaling 10 men.

> > Generaly how do folks attach a mortar team to a platoon?
>I haven't really used mortar teams. Not as on-table assets, anyway. 
>If I did, I'd have them in their own team and not part of the 
>Platoon HQ "squad".

Yeah, current British infantry doctrine with a two mortar men per 
platoon in the CMD track is a bit peculiar. It would seem it would be 
harder to mass all three mortars on a target and get them coordinated 
easily (issue 3 separate Fire Mission Orders to the mortars as 
opposed to a mortar platoon leader) like the US does it, ie the 
Mortars have their own unit discreet from the Infantry Coys. The 
Mortar teams end up taking over as a secondary TOC for US Lt Infantry 
companies too.


>I suggest that if your group allows for automatic EW (doesn't 
>require an action) you can do whatever you want with them, though 
>I'd probably just keep them as part of the command squad to keep 
>things simple. If your group (like mine) requires an action to 
>activate the EW unit, then I would suggest making it a separate 

Hmm, thanks...

- Ryan Montieth Gill		DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
-  I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
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- '85 Honda CB700S  -  '72 Honda CB750K  - '76 Chevy MonteCarlo  -

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