Re: FT-MT missiles
From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 12:42:24 +1000
Subject: Re: FT-MT missiles
G'day Bif,
>Try imagining a triangle, with the
>point as the starting position at the
>start of the turn.
I think I know what you mean, but last time I checked triangles had 3
points ;)
>Then have a circle, 12 mu in diameter (I said 6 mu first
>time, if I say the missile has 12 mu
>of thrust, the circle would have a
>diameter od 12 mu).
>The missile can be placed
>anywhere in this circle, and
>it direction it is now facing is a
>line between its starting position and
>it`s ending position. The speed the
>missile would have at the start of the
>next turn would be the distance
>between the starting position and the ending
>position. The triangle comes from the
>turn radius posible, based on it`s
>speed (on the vertical/x axis), and the
>12 mu placement radius (horizontal/y
I think I'm still with you, so how about acceleration/deceleration is
a straight addition thing or is that constrained by the circle too ( if
I've got it then accel isn't but decel might be??)?
While I applaud your efforts now I've got a clearer picture I don't
it will actually stop the fly in at high speed, dump missiles and leave
problem that effects "vectorised SMs" unless you remove an MT's attack
range (we play it as 6mu, but off the top of my head I can't remember if
that's from the book or Derek's fevered mind).
Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
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