[FT] Weapons/Defense Systems Archive
From: "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg@j...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 14:17:13 -0500
Subject: [FT] Weapons/Defense Systems Archive
Taking Beth's suggestion, I've started compiling a Weapon/defense system
The embryonic for is here:
I have about 15 systems in some semblance of order, 30 more "unfiled"
but on
the page, culled from recent list postings and player web pages, which I
will slowly whip into shape. The list is far from complete, so I'd
appreciate any help in adding from discussions of months/years past, and
systems that are on other people's pages who want them in the archive.
isn't planned on being a compendium of house rules, offense/defense
(firecon stuff, and fighters OK too, for now, I don't think I want to do
engines, since that's a whole bunch of movement rules, but we'll see.)
Naturally there are/will be double entries (multiple ideas for a Plasma
Torpedo, for example) and systems that have undergone and will continue
undergo debate and refining until/unless they ever become official
(HBW, MT missiles in FT2.5+). I'll try to include discussion/commentary
where valid/useful. I won't be copying threads (like for HBW) that went
for weeks.
Those who have items to add are welcome to e-mail me with them - please
some e-mail designator like [WDA] for Weapon/Defense Archive. I'll be
watching the list, too, of course, but things can alwys slip under the