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Re: Islamic Federation, was Re: [FT] OU & IC & FB3

From: "Nathan" <Nathan_at_Spring_Grove_UK@e...>
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2001 13:58:55 -0000
Subject: Re: Islamic Federation, was Re: [FT] OU & IC & FB3

From: Laserlight <>
Date: Monday, January 01, 2001 01:27
Subject: Islamic Federation, was Re: [FT] OU & IC & FB3

>Nathan said:
>> Finally, just to throw a new idea into the FB3 pot, has
>> anyone considered IF suicide crews in the past?

>> These would not need to roll a 6 to ram, but would
>> only be found on very small vessels

> Then what's the point?  If the target's course is
> predictable enough for a ram, it's predictable enough
> to drop SMR on it.

Well, the suicide ship can fire off a rack or a few sub-
munition packs as well as ramming, whereas SMs
have to get through whatever defences the target has.
Would we agree that ramming damage should be
calculated after weapons fire, so that (a) the ramming
ship gets a chance to launch these weapons, and (b)
the target ship gets a chance to shoot down suicide

I'm sure there's a proper Arabic term for suicide
volunteers, it's just eluding me...


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