Re: DSII Vehicle creation page
From: devans@u...
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 19:33:18 -0600
Subject: Re: DSII Vehicle creation page
If there's no change, but you feel obliged to pay more for AI then I'd
suggest just buying superior systems.
Sensible, of course, but Tuffleyverse seems to use flesh-and-blood
even if in tanks, almost exclusively. I'd think that political reasons
would argue for 'bloodless' battles if AI were capable, even if
Game balance and fairness argues you can call a tank an AI or crewed as
wish, of course, but war is just more grim if it's not reruns of Robot
Wars(or whatever that new show is called).
Instead of a point cost, can you think of a different mechanic to make
tanks FEEL non-human? Some inflexibility of action, or spoofing by novel
situations? Dependency on central control? EMP-vulnerability is a little
oversold, and a relatively good reason for NO AI.
As with aliens, I want more than different weapons and systems. I want a
different species. Given my limited imagination, I hope for rules that
force me to be an alien or robot, not a man.
As always, I'm speaking from the position of an airless, er, vacuum
-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon
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