RE: [GZG-WCC] So Ted, did we win?
From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 13:04:51 -0400
Subject: RE: [GZG-WCC] So Ted, did we win?
Hmmm. If you make Scatterguns able to hit the
protected ships, you should make the same
rule for PDS when used with ADFC. Remember
that PDS can be used in an anti-ship role also.
Although, if you are going to do this, I would
suggest making it very simple: a roll of a 1
when using PDS/Scatterguns in Area Defense
mode scores 1 point of damage on the ship
it was trying to protect. Yes, this ignores
screens, and can lead to the PDS/ADFC
being more effective than a class-1 beam,
but it avoids having to reroll (besides that will
teach you to not have the entire fleet share shield
harmonics <smile>).
[I can hear Beth's screems of "Nooooooo!" from here.]
Brian Bell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Leary []
> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 12:21 PM
> To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Re: [GZG-WCC] So Ted, did we win?
> The large 24000 'K' vs human game proved that
> one should stay with the rules that are known.
> It turns out that the attempt to run the game
> using FB1/2 rules (We normally use FT/MT) was
> unbalanced, the 'K' won quite easily.
> (Add to the list to do: Find new balance point
> ratio value for 'K'.)
> Another related topic/suggestion:
> Kravak scatterguns in the area defence mode
> should always do damage to the target ship
> as well as the fighters that are targeted.
> Suggest using damage of:
> 1) 1 + submunitions attack + rerolls on 6.
> 2) 1D3 no rerolls.
> 3) 1D3 reroll on 6 only.
> 4) 1,2,3=1; 4,5,6=2 reroll on 6 only.
> In any case the use of scatterguns should be
> the same against 'K' and human ships
> (KR did not come to the con, and I was not able
> to acquire the FB2 rules, so forgive if I am
> in error.)
> Bye for now,
> John L.