Re: OT: Steampunk Miniatures
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:31:10 +0100
Subject: Re: OT: Steampunk Miniatures
>A little off topic but as they are moulded by GZG I
>hope this passes.
>The latest Miniature Wargames has an advert for GZG
>which includes photos of some extraordinary Steampunk
>items - a rocket powered penny farthing bicycle and
>THere is also mention of rules to accompany the
>Any comments bwana Jon? You public are dying to know -
>and I think even a plain vanilla penny farthing (I am
>sure there is a proper name for them but I cannot
>recall it) would have a fair market.
They are Nic (Eureka) Robson's Pax Limpopo range, and yes, we're
them under licence for the UK and Euro markets. Customers in Oz should
order from Nic, I don't know if KR and Nic have worked out a US deal yet
but in the meantime I guess US customers can order from whichever of us
they prefer!
There will apparently be rules and gamettes at some point, but for once
you'll have to nag Nic about this and not me!!!!
I've also got some partly-formed plans for a couple of steampunk
vehicles..... <grin>
Jon (GZG)
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