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Valiant Stardate:3000 Starship Miniatures to be released soon!!!

From: "Mike Miserendino" <phantom15@h...>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 23:31:31 -0500
Subject: Valiant Stardate:3000 Starship Miniatures to be released soon!!!

I recently received a call from Art at Valiant Miniatures with some very
good news (Sorry if this was previously posted by Dean Gundberg or
else).	The original Stardate:3000 miniature starship range will be
available again on October 1st!  I believe Dean may have already posted
Web site, but in case you don't have it, it is at:

Main site:
Stardate:3000 Info:

Prices and ships to be released are now listed on the site.  They
the range through the carriers and support ships...most of which I have
never seen as I was fortunate to get only a few minis before they had
stopped making them years ago.	The minis are detailed with lots of
plumbing...just the way I like them! :-)  I'll let you know when I hear


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