Re: Great Modelling Mishaps ( was Stripping? )
From: aebrain@d...
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 05:34:21 GMT
Subject: Re: Great Modelling Mishaps ( was Stripping? )
John said:
> >But yeah, goggles would have been a smart move. Of course, we could
> >all day about the various modelling screw-ups I've experienced.
There was
> >the time I sent a GZG building shooting across the room with a belt
Beth then wrote:
>Not trying to be unfeeling John, but this is the hardest I've laughed
in a
>long time
>P.S. Having broken 37 parts of my body by the age of 15 I wished I'd
>glasses (and their failure to perform when needed) as an excuse ;)
Re:Great Disasters:
I once dropped my largest exacto knife, continued on modelling
then noticed that my right foot felt rather -er- squishy in its
shoe... took me a long time to extract the blade from both shoe,
foot, and bone. Had to wiggle it a lot, and that wasn't fun.
As regards Mishaps When Young, by the time I was 15, I had
accumulated 2 broken arms, ankle broken 3 times, hairline
fracture of the skull and was missing 1 kneecap, tonsils,
adenoids, and appendix. And had quite a few "interesting" scars
( neither falling through glasshouses nor running into coiled
rusty barbed wire from WW2 is recommended ).
All in separate incidents ( OK, broken arm and fractured skull
happened simultaneously - my arm broke, but cushioned the impact)
Fortunately I stopped losing nonessential spare parts by age 22,
as I was fast running out by then.
Only God knows how my Parents coped.