Re: can am war
From: devans@u...
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 11:35:10 -0500
Subject: Re: can am war
***I think every time you lose a figure you ahve to do a shot,
confusion of war.
I still prefer my suggestion that the victorious takes the alcohol,
a constantly self-adjusting handicap...
However, 'tween the temperance group and folks, such as a friend here
meds don't allow tippling as well as someone like me that has a drink,
once every two-three months, that just don't drink, I'd say an event
this is best off-hours in a back room.
Even I'd be willing to take you on the next morning, though... ;->=
***>(after some adjustment of fleet sizes) Bring your fleet (primed
Obviously, not the only things to be 'primed' above...
-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon
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