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Re: Simple Questions

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 23:05:48 +0200
Subject: Re: Simple Questions

Grogan, Paul wrote:

>1) ADFC's.  I thought I'd read somewhere that under FB1 rules, they
>can no longer just fire at any fighters/missiles within 6MU, they can
only >fire at them if they are a) attacking the ship itself, or b)
attacking a >friendly ship that is within 6MU. 
>When I tried to find the rule again yesterday, I failed.

FB1 p.7, "Area-Defence Control (ADFC)". Line 4 in particular omits the
old ADFC ability to target any fighters within 6mu (whether or not they
actually attack anything), and the note in italics at the end of this
section specifically points out that the ADFC rule replaces the ADAF
>2) Kra'Vak MKP's and Firecon, (do they need a Firecon themselves).

Since the MKP rule doesn't say anything about special FCS requirements,
they use the default FCS rule on FT2 pp.7-8. Sorry for the rather vague
answer, but I'm not sure of what you mean with "themselves".

>3) Whilst trying again to find the answer to 2), I couldn't find the
rules >for FireCon systems for Human PDS systems.  I'm pretty sure they
>don't need a working FireCon, I just couldn't find it in the rules

For targetting fighters etc: FT2 p.8.

For targetting spaceships: FB1 p.12. This is NOT a carry-over from FT2,
since the FT2 point defence systems weren't able to harm spaceships at
all and therefore never had any need of FCS guidance in FT2.


Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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