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Kra'vak tanks in 25 mm and 6 mm

From: "David D. Taylor" <dtaylor@p...>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 00:01:20 -0500
Subject: Kra'vak tanks in 25 mm and 6 mm

	I'm looking for information on tanks for a Kra'vak force.  I was
at the Stan Johansen Miniatures tank parts in the Accessories section
25 mm.	The ability to asemble my own is probly as close as I'll come to
Kra'vak tanks.	How do these look next to the Kra'vak figures?	
	Also, are ther any pictures of the Kra'vak Dirtside vehicals? 
Ground Zero
Games Online Catalogue at
only has half of them Pictured and does not show any idea of size. 
now I am assuming these classes and using these as substitutes:

 DF-K01 Ha'Iv light grav tank						
       Class 3	       Triton IV
 DF-K02 Ki'Ca heavy grav tank					       
Class 5 	Ganymede
 DF-K03 Ki'Vas AA grav tank						
       Class 3	       Triton Defender
 DF-K04 Tu'Ha grav light infantry combat vehicle		Class 3 
       Triton IFV
 DF-K05 Ko'Ta attack VTOL craft 				       
Class 3 	Aries AV-55
 DF-K06 Ko'Iv scout VTOL						
       Class 2	       Pisces SV-68
 DF-K07 Ka'Ha Grav Heavy Infantry Combat Vehicle	???		
 DF-K08 Ki'Rok Grav Heavy Strike Vehicle			Class 4 
 DF-K09 Ko'Sha Heavy Aerospace Combat Craft		Class 3        
BattleTech "Flying Wing"
 DF-K10 Ki'Sho Grav Artillery Vehicle				       
Class 3 	Helltor

	Are these correct or should I modify them?
	Does Geo Hex, or whoever gets the molds, have any plans on
bringing these
tanks to North America?
David D. Taylor ICQ # 1851388
	Everything in excess!  To enjoy the flavor of life, take
big bites.  Moderation is for monks.
							Thus spoke
Lazarus Long
							Time Enough for
							Robert A.

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