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RE: Demoing SG2 (was Re: An apology for the unwashed)

From: -MWS- <mshurtleff1@u...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 13:21:24 -0800
Subject: RE: Demoing SG2 (was Re: An apology for the unwashed)

At 08:02 AM 1/27/2000 +1000, Owen G wrote:
>Your Squad card is absolutely Kewl! 

Thanks - I am reasonably pleased with them myself <g>.

>For an introductory game to the public, the colored sheet, 
>explanation of effects of fire and range bands is well thought 
>out and you work in Marketing or Design?

Ooooh - cut me to the quick there, didn't you? :-)

Actually, my background is as a software developer & hardware product
designer (I'm currently doing Tech Writing for the Evil Empire here in
Redmond).  However, I've done reasonably well as a layout artist, since
I've done all of the promo and program material for our dance troup
we were directing it the last decade or so.  It's amazing the things
you can get done with CorelDraw and Word . . .

Mark "Hauptmann" Shurtleff
 StarFighter Command Homepage:

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