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From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 13:40:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: SGII

I'm not sure I see that much to get.

Unit quality
Officer quality

Morale rolls are all make roll of unit quality greater than
officer quality with mods on the ref card.


Fire: Unit Quality, weapons die, ("extra" dice). vs Range die.

none over range, no affect
1 over range, suppress
2 over range, add em up and pass out damage.

Everything else is just additions.

Am I missing something?  Yes, there are quite a few rules, but
you don't have artillery, smoke, snipers, or any of the extras
until you get a feel for the rules.

The complexity seems to be a little less than most of the other
games I have played.  In close to Johny Reb, a little less than
Fantasy Rules!	Much less than GW stuff, but then GW stuff is
more like MTG, exceptions win the game, not tactics.


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