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[DS2, SG2] Sci-Fi Flavor in Games

From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 08:30:47 -0500
Subject: [DS2, SG2] Sci-Fi Flavor in Games

  One of the things that I have noticed in DS2 games is a distinct lack
Sci-Fi flavor to most of the games (I suspect the same would hold true
SG2). Most of the DS2 games could just as easily be accomplished by WW2
tanks and troops. 
  Yes there are differences. But most of them are not different enough
add a SF flavor. Hover & Grav units are just faster (unless near open
water). HELs, DFFGs, etc. could just as easily be different types of
conventional shells. Power Armor is just infantry with body armor.
  SG2 may not have this problem as Power Armor is much tougher in SG2.
have not played enough to tell).
  Ogre and Battletech do not have this problem because they step outside
what would be considered possible (Indestructible Tank/Giant Robots).
  And I am not saying it is the entirely the problem of the DS2 game
It was designed to be generic, and therefore it conforms to known ideas
stretches belief less than some other games.
  I am also not saying that it was entirely the fault of the scenario
designer either. I have played games where there was a good SF flavor.
However, these games usually involved aliens or an exotic environment
(Moonbase Xi).
  I would like some input on how to create a greater SF flavor to these
games other than by using aliens or exotic environments.

Brian Bell	     

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