Re: Simultaneous fire [was UK/US in balkans (as the UN)]
From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 15:50:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Simultaneous fire [was UK/US in balkans (as the UN)]
On 20-Jan-00 at 15:25, Ground Zero Games ( wrote:
> >Vector question- Am I the only one that drops a "start of
> >vector" marker before moving ships in vector? Doing
> >that on the next turn the new vector is marker->ship, no
> >waffling about direction and none of the speed rounds
> >you seem to get with the "official" rules. I personally
> >think it is easier.
> Yes, it is; it is even better if , after moving, you extend your tape
> measure from the start-of-vector marker an equal distance PAST the
> and place a ZTP (Zero-Thrust-Projection) marker where the ship's
> will place it NEXT turn if it applies no thrust.
I thought about that, but it makes it too easy for those damn SM users
(me in this case) to place their missiles.
> The down-side with either
> idea, and the main reason why I didn't inlcude it in the FB rules, is
> if you are using more than a few ships the table gets very quickly
> cluttered with lots of markers well away from the ships they relate
to, and
> it can get very messy. Down to personal taste....
I have to admit things look better the official way. The clutter isn't
a big deal for me, all my bases are color coded and numbered. Makes
it easy to match marker to ship.