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Re: ST decals

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 15:46:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: ST decals

On 20-Jan-00 at 15:20, Dean Gundberg ( wrote:
> > I finished up a ST-DN (although I'm going to class it as a BB) using
> > a set of decals I ordered from Jay Chladek.  I am rather happy with
> > it, especially the decals.	One odd thing, the decals I did first
> > show significant lines, but the ones I did last show no lines.  It
> > can't be the decals, it must be something I was doing.  I just wish
> > the first decal I put on wasn't the Hull number on top of the
> > saucer.
> >
> > The decals are from:
> >
> >
> > And no, I am in no way affiliated, just a satisfied customer.
> Roger,
> How durable were the decals you got?	I bought some of the first ones
> did.	They looked great but they broke apart very easily, even if you
> very careful.  Jay mentioned he was working on the durability problem
and I
> was wondering if he had gotten it solved (since I need to order some
> ;) 

Well, I started out using an exacto knife and making cuts.  The one that
wrinkled broke into pieces so this may be the problem you have.  I
to a spade bit in my exacto (one of the red handled jobs) and used
pressure into a piece of cardboard and had no more problems.

I also never got the "wipe with a brush" thing to work.  I gave up on
that and just rubbed the decal/paper between my thumb and finger to
move the decal and then used tweezers to locate it.

> I did not have problems with lines and I assume you mean the edges of
> decals.  I used decal solvent to soften them up after final placement,
> then a few coats of clear gloss for durability and then a final coat
> Dullcoat so the mini isn't shiny.

Decal Solvent?	(rhetorical question, answer is obvious).

I like my starships shiny, kind of like I like a new car to be shiny.

There are some things I don't like about the first one, but the decals
aren't it.  I primered with Krylon sandable grey and painted with
ivory.	I had to put too much paint on to cover the grey.  The one
I am working on now is primered with Krylon sandable white and only
took one layer of ivory to get the color I was looking for, my SO
says this one doesn't look like it is made of bone. :)	Personally,
I don't think it looks like bone when on my black starscape, but that's


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