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Re: Simultaneous fire

From: Michael T Miserendino <MTMiserendino@l...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 14:17:00 -0500
Subject: Re: Simultaneous fire

Roger wrote:
>>> owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU at internet 01/20/00 09:09AM 
>My original post appears to have dropped somewhere, so...
Sorry, I had some trouble getting the reply out the first time and am
it actually got through!

>As everyone suggested, make a / on the hull or armour when
>the damage is rolled.	After all damage has been marked
>complete the X and do thresholds if necessary.  The big
>difference this way is you will only ever make 1 threshold
>check in a turn.  For a large fleet this would probably
>speed things up.

Currently we do this with needle weapons.  Use a "/" for normal damage
an "X" for destroyed.

For me, your original post just opened up an excellent subject for a
level game, perhaps for very large fleets or a campaign.  Playing FT as
is now has it's own flavor with one ship firing at a time.  This I like


Michael Miserendino
Senior Software Engineer
Lincoln Re

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