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Re: tactics vs a slow mover with high arcs

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 13:03:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: tactics vs a slow mover with high arcs

On 20-Jan-00 at 12:02, Sindre Cools Berg ( wrote:
> >
> Snipped alot..
> > ---------------------------
> > G'day to you, too.
> >
> > PTA stands for Pulse Torps Anonymous, right?  When's the next
> > :) I guess "singles" night has a different meaning to those of us
> > constantly rolling ones.  :)
> >
> > I already commented to another about using FB ships; to put it
> > blech. 
> >
> > On missile boats, tried it.  I have this knack for hitting "bonzai
> > jammers". Maybe I should try multiple shot missile barrages.  But
> > newest designs have many PDS and all big ships have ADFC.  Takes a
lot to
> > get through. Someone else commented about More Thrust missiles.  He
> > actually tried it once and I outmaneuvered them.  Conclusion: not
> > good.  But, against his slow ships?  I may have to design some ships
> > them. They are still only hit on a 6 from a PDS using FB?  What
> > class-1 beams? 
> >
> > Glen

You should ALWAYS use multiple shot missile barrages.  Count on it
taking 4 PDS's to take out one SM.  If you drop 8 SM's on him that
is 32 PDS's, he isn't going to have that.

As for the bonzai jammers, if he has a thrust 1 ship you should
be able to put most your missiles UNDER his base.

If he starts at speed 4 (and that is what it sounds like he is
doing)	his possible positions are all within a 1" area.  He
can fluctuate 1" forward and back or 0.5" side to side.  At
speed 8 his side-side fluctiations are still 1".  This is a 
trivial attack for SM's.  You just need to overwhelm his 

If you think that is a problem go the MT missile route.  Banzai
Jammers don't work against those and he still needs 2 PDS's
for each missile for a sure kill.

One other thing, if he has 1500 points and you have two fleets
of 750 points under two commanders he is starting out at a 
significant advantage.


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