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Re: [OT]Cyber Squad

From: Roger Books <books@m...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 09:59:42 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [OT]Cyber Squad

On 19-Jan-00 at 09:54, Ryan M Gill ( wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Roger Books wrote:
> > Obviously you only watch the Dukes westerns.  Clint Eastwood, yeah
> > Take away his big gun and he's nothing.
> Personally, I think between Clint, Wayne and McQueen, they could deal 
> with any problem that cropped up. Anyone else would be for good
> Throw in Toshiro Mifune for the slice and dice katana action up close
> it'd be really bloody.

You know, I might even choose a few people from Real Life(tm) over some
of the fictional characters.  At the Ralph Foster Museum in Arkansas
they have a sharpshooters rifle from the ACW.  The story with it is
the two sides were camped a little over a mile apart in a static
situation.  The opposing side had a general that stepped out of his
tent first thing in the morning and had a good stretch within sight
of the enemy.  This sharpshooter estimated the range, went of and 
sighted in his rifle, and then removed the general from the equation.

Just so I'm clear, the shot was over a mile.

I don't know, maybe not so impressive when your rifle weighs 20 lbs 
and you have a 'scope, even if it is primative.  I was impressed though.


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