UNSC designs
From: Thomas Barclay of the Clan Barclay <kaladorn@h...>
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 01:01:49 -0500
Subject: UNSC designs
Hi all
Just saw Dean's NAC work... sweet. A couple of nights back, I just got a
look at most of the new UNSC line in the hands of one of our locals, and
I have to say, other than agreeing most of them need pinned
longitudinally all the way through to keep a good straight spine (no
sag), I have to say they are nice figs.
Does anywone have some nice designs like Dean's work for NAC and NSL,
etc. - including some SSDs and descriptions? The particular one I'm
interested in was the CVL, but I am interested in the others too. Is
there any way these could be done modular? That is to say do the design
in such a way that, for example, the extended section (that appears on
the SDN-X) becomes a "drop in module" - with hull, and contents and
systems - such that you could just slap it into an SDN and (or is it the
BB? I forget) with really no work as far as recalculating other than
just adding in the new component's totals? It seems with the modular
nature of the new UNSC fleet, it'd be handy to have the various
component modules defined that way, thus one could build a ship by going
"Nose A, Wing Type B, Cargo Section M, and Thruster Section L - add up
their costs/mass and come up with a final number". Of course, it occurs
to me the FT construction system may make this... problematic in a few
respects. Anyone have a good suggestion?
"Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness
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"Ah. I see. Inform me if there is any change in his condition."
<hangs up the phone>
"How is he?"
"He's dead."
-- The movie Top Secret