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Re: re Free Orange Republic Ships

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 07:59:01 -0400
Subject: Re: re Free Orange Republic Ships

At 05:28 PM 10/28/99 +1100, Nik wrote:
>Firstly everything I say is not thought out or even thought about. 
>the ships that we are talking about are about two mouths old, an
eternity in
>our games group to say the least.  The Carriers in question have
>dumped all armour, screens, weapons, PDS, and have moved to fragile
>moved up to thrust 6, and increased their fighter complement by close
>100% (17 groups on the CVA)

Good grief!  What happens when the other player's fighters go after it,
a fast DD squadron?  Seems like a very vulerable target.

>Oerjan Ohlson wrote
>>My opponents rapidly learned to spread their salvoes even >against
>Many of MY opponents use MT missiles that don't hit nearest ship but
>guided in.

And Oerjan plays in cm, not inches, so on a 6'x4' table his ships will
outrun MT missiles... and, for that matter, pre-FB fighters that only
12"/turn.  (In fact, he may be able to outrun the 24"/turn FB fighters,
I'm not sure about that.)  Moving at speeds like that changes the game
fairly dramatically.  And using cms, you can move pretty fast even in
vector, though turning to line up another attack is mildly problematic.

In any case, this is a good example of how people's usual setups can
their shipbuilding and tactics... what works in one style game, will not
work in another.

					Aaron Teske

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