Re: Aliens Drop ships and APCs
From: "Jeremy Sadler" <jsadler@e...>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:17:23 +1000
Subject: Re: Aliens Drop ships and APCs
>>The big problem is WINNING these auctions at a reasonable
>>price. Being on
>>the side of the globe means often auctions end when it's 3am
>>here... and
>>there is always furious last minute bidding.
>ebay will do automated proxy bidding for you so you
>don't have to be online. Problem if two proxybots go
>head to head you will be up to your maximum and still
Yes I know ebay does this, but it still comes down to two people bidding
against each other in the last seconds of the auction - unless one sets
their max bid much higher, in which case you could end up paying a lot
for something than you wanted to. Also, in the last minutes, some
will just keep bidding until they are the highest bidder - and if you
watching the end of the auction, tough.