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Fleet reviews - IF, AE, FOR

From: "Oerjan Ohlson" <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 20:10:26 +0100
Subject: Fleet reviews - IF, AE, FOR

Taking a quick look at some of the ship designs published on various
web pages lately, I have some comments.

First out is Laserlight's IF force: 

IF DD Homs 27m 90pt
Thrust 6
Weak hull
Armor 3
[oo ]
[o* ]
[oo ]
[o* ]
1 FC
2 Beam 2 (F/FP/AP)

This ship has an Average hull, not a Weak one :-/

Second, the Alarishi:

AE Consort DD 37m 127pt
Thrust 6
[o* ]
[oo ] 
[* ]

Should only have 7 HULL BOXES: oo/o*/oo/*. With this change,
cost & mass are OK.

AE Jerez CA 88m 291pt 

Thrust 6
[OO ]
[ooo*oo ]
[ooo*o* ]
2 Torp (F/FP/AP) OO
3 Beam 2 (F/FP/AP) OOO

Is it 2 or 3 FCs? The damage markers and the total Mass suggest 3 :-/

AE Alacrity BC 101m 348pt 

Thrust 8
[ ]
2 FC
2 Beam 4 (F/FP/AP)

This seems to add up to only 100 Mass?

Finally the Free Orange Republic (is the author here? If not, Beth -
could you forward this to him? I won't be able to for a couple of weeks
:-/ )

Many comments here; the designs are all in .gif format so I can't
include them, but the web page is part of the FT Network. The FOR uses
heavy armour and screens (10% armour plus level-2 screens on its
heavies), relies on Pulse Torps *only* (1- or 2-arc mounts), and puts
ADFC on all units larger than 40 HS or thereabouts. No unit is faster
than thrust-4; most heavies are thrust-2. (Bulldog, here's where your
C4-armed popcorns would excel provided you buy them enough fighter
cover! :-)

Cheetah SC: Design OK, but cost is 9 i/o 7
Baboon SC: OK, but... don't breathe on it :-/
Springbok DDH: Should be TMF 44, NPV 152
East London CL: OK, but a bit odd with only 1 FC for 2 different-arc
Cape Town C CE: OK, but 10 PDS and only 1 ADFC? It can only protect 1
ship per turn <shrug>
Dr Chester Crocker BC: Should be TMF 113, NPV 378
Transvall BB: OK, but name should probably be spelled Transvaal :-/
Pretoria DN: Should be TMF 169, NPV 582. The mass (143) and cost (492)
given do not include the fighter bay; in addition a Mass 143 ship with
Average hull should have 43 hull boxes instead of the current 142.
Louis Botha DN: Should be TMF 199, NPV 685. The mass and cost given do
not include the fighter bay; in addition the ship would be TMF 173, NPV
595 even if the bay was removed.
FW de Klerk SD: Design is OK, but costs 825 rather than 816.
Paul Kruger CVE: OK, but... it can't run, it can't hide, and breathing
on it will kill it :-/ (A Fragile-hulled Thrust-2 carrier with 3
fighter bays, 4 armour and naught else...)
Gen. Hertzog CVE: Should be TMF 80, NPV 293. Screens on a
Fragile-hulled ship? (F)-arc weapons on a Thrust-2 ship which shouldn't
ever go anywhere near the enemy (and if ever it does, it should be
accelerating *away* as fast as possible)? Well... it's not my money
Kimberley CVL: Should be TMF 143, NPV 507.

Best wishes,

Oerjan Ohlson

"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
- Hen3ry

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